Green Tea vs. Black Tea: Which One Is Right for You?

Green Tea vs. Black Tea: Unraveling the Brewed Battle Green tea and black tea are two of the most popular types of tea in the world, and for good reason. Both teas have a long history of use for both their flavor and their health benefits.we will find what are the differences between green tea and black tea? And which one is right for you? buy green tea online The Basics Do you know Both green tea and black tea are made from the leaves of the Camellia sinensis plant. However, the way that the leaves are processed is what gives them their different colors and flavors. · Green tea is made from unoxidized leaves. This means that the leaves are not exposed to oxygen after they are harvested. This results in a tea that is light in color and has a grassy or vegetal flavor. · Black tea is made from oxidized leaves. This means that the leaves are exposed to oxygen afte...